
英語力0から始めた国際人への奮闘 オーストラリアで看護師になるまでの波乱万丈の旅路と日常 をえがく

Putting yourself first is not selfish.

Hello everyone,


How are you doing? 





初めましての人も常連さんもWelcome Welcome! 



Putting yourself is not a selfish act.




I am going to write this topic in English because I really feel it is so much more powerful in English...( I don't know why... ) 


This is particularly important for nurses because we, as a nurse, tend to put others first before ourselves.

Caring and giving are almost natural to us. That is why we got into this profession to help others; make difference in people’s lives.

Nurses, out there, you are a helper; you are a giver.

You are giving to patient colleagues, significant others, family and to your friends.

For instance, we might go to work even you are under the weather; we might say yes to a nurse in charge when she is asking you to work double or overtime; you might not say no to a doctor when she or he is asking some tusks on top of your overwhelming daily tusks which probably could be done by Dr; you might force yourself to play with kids when you have a massive headache; you might do housework and smile at your family after long and stressful night shift that you lost a patient...…

You might be someone’s mother, father, best friend, daughter, son, carer, boyfriend, girlfriend, and colleague. AND you want to help them, but you are going to end being exhausted and having low energy all the time.


You cannot take care of others if you do not look after yourself.

I see nurses getting burnout and leaving the profession that they thought it is a true calling.

I see nurses who believe themselves nursing is not their job despite putting so much effort and love into it.

So, putting yourself first is not a selfish act.

You should say ‘No’ to them if you are overwhelmed, sick and stressed.  

You should not block your schedule for only others.

You do not have to do everything.

You do not have to be perfect.

You should put yourself first before others.

The reason why you must prioritise yourself is that you are more than a nurse.

Making sure you are not checking your phone or living your life according to someone else’s needs. Starting your day for yourself. You are feeding yourself breakfast.

Making time for yourself. You can go for a walk before starting a shift.

It does not have to be something like go to a massage, having a glass of wine and going to fancy dinner…

It can be amazingly simple; it may be like say no to husband to stay up move; no to overtime…

Make sure to ask for help if you need it. Ask your husband to share the tasks more, hire a helper or carer whatever you call..… I don’t know …cooking, washing .. gardening… if they are a burden.

You must know your limit.

It is okay to do that.


You deserve to feel good; you deserve to have energy; you deserve to have a healthy work-life integration.



That is it for today. 


See you soon and have a wonderful day!

